Assisted Living Facilities

A physiatrist, or a physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) doctor, can enhance an assisted living facility in several ways. Here are some key areas where their specialized knowledge can contribute to improved care for residents:

Rehabilitation and Mobility

Create individualized rehabilitation plans to help residents regain or maintain strength, balance, and functional abilities.

Pain Management

Using various methods, including medication, injections, and physical therapy techniques to improve a resident's comfort and well-being.

Fall Prevention

Asses fall risks and implement preventive measures, including exercise programs, medication adjustments, and environmental modifications.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnose a wide range of medical conditions affecting seniors and treatment or collaborate with other specialists to ensure comprehensive care.

Care Plan Development

Work collaboratively with the facility's medical team to develop and oversee individualized care plans that address each resident's specific goals and needs.


Physiatrists act as team leaders, working closely with healthcare professionals to ensure coordinated care for residents.

Education and Training

Provide educational programs for staff on topics such as pain management, fall prevention, and rehabilitation techniques to improve the overall quality of care provided by the facility.

Competitive Advantage

A physiatrist on staff is a significant selling point for ALF’s, attracting residents who require more specialized care and rehabilitation services.

Improve Resident Satisfaction

Effective pain management, increased mobility, with a focus on functional medicine can lead to high satisfaction among residents.

Overall, a physiatrist can elevate the quality of life and care for residents in assisted living facilities. Their proficiency in rehabilitation, pain management, and comprehensive care planning can contribute to enhanced patient outcomes, improved teamwork, and positive facility reputation.

Serving all of California and the Pacific Northwest.